Red Russian and Yugoslavian Garlic
Garlic Seed, Table Garlic and Scapes Available
at Sitka Farm, Oliver, BC, Canada

Kathy and Mark McMillan, 265 Sitka Road, Oliver, BC, Canada

Email: Sitka Farm Garlic or Phone: 250-395-0960

Also the home of:



At The Farm

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2024 ... Yugoslavian and Red Russian Garlic for seed or the kitchen. Cured and ready for your order!

Our first year of garlic at this location went well even though we weren't used to the hot dry conditions. We sold out quickly last year and have therefore increased our number of plants for 2024. We now have lots of garlic for both eating and planting and we have kept the prices the same as last year.     $14 a pound for good seed garlic and less for smaller bulbs.

See the At The Farm page for up to date info and photos.

Some of our garlic ... the following photos will enlarge if you click on them. Note the difference in plant size between good seed and not so good seed. In the first photo our own seed is on the left and seed we bought that we were not happy with is on the right. The second photo shows the results; the left row is what came from the poor seed and the right row is from our own seed! Both are Red Russian planted at the same time and in the same conditions, etc. It pays to get good seed garlic!

our own seed versus bought seed

purchased versus our own

Yugoslavian garlic scapes

scapes from the Yugoslavian garlic

10 pound boxes of scapes $25

all the garlic is looking really good

hanging dry, and process

sizing the bulbs and culling inperfections

2024 ... $14 a pound for good seed garlic and less for smaller bulbs.. We will ship garlic for the cost of postage.
Please email us your name, address, and phone number if you would like us to mail it. Email: Sitka Farm Garlic

Sitka Farm, Kathy & Mark McMillan, 265 Sitka Road, Oliver, BC, Canada, V0H 1T7

Email: Sitka Farm Garlic or Phone: 250-395-0960

See our other business website: